
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kiwi sport | Rip pa-Rush | Rip the tags off

This week for kiwi sport Hamish came over to help us with our kiwi sport.
We had to do a warm up game called Rip pa-Rush it was really fun because it is just l
like ball-rush but instead of tagging you have to rip their tags off. .
Then we to get into three teams group 1, group 2 and group 3, I was in group 2. For this game we had to score a try across the court without getting your tag ripped off. One team would sit out and two teams will stay in. Hamish said we were the best team because we were spreading out and sharing the ball while other people were crowding around the and not spreading out. The next game we played is we had to line up in our lines and we had to pass the ball around but you could only pass backwards.
Then we tried playing the rip the tag off game again and everyone did pretty good. 

Explanation about the Venus flytrap

This week for writing Mr Wong made us write a 10 sentence detailed explanation 
about the Venus flytrap and how a Venus flytrap catches its prey. We watched three video's and then combine them all together which told us all about the Venus flytraps. We also made a planner about the Venus flytrap before we even started writing our real one, and we needed some help so Mr Wong put up an example for us to use and get help off.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Shopping in-person vs shopping online

LI: To identify retail outlets and their outlet equivalent for consumer goods .
LI: To identify advantages in shopping in-person and online.
This week for cyber smart we had to tree options and the options were pizza,
PlayStation or ball, I picked PlayStation because there is heaps of electrical places
and i just like writing. We had to find online shops using the internet  and then we
had to find in person shops, then we had to do the same  between both of them.

Volume and capacity

This week for reading we had to find to objects and we had to guess or estimate
how much milerletres the container was.  Then we had to measure the proper answer,
we also had to make a video explaining what volume and capacity is

If you wanna wanna visit my video copy and paste this:

Explanation planner | Venus fly traps | 10 sentence

LI: To write detailed paragraphs.
This week for reading we had to write a detailed paragraph about how a venus fly traps snaps shut and eats its prey. We also learnt about what a venus fly trap is and how long it holds the insect in for, the venus fly trap can hold it prey up to about ten days

If you want to watch a video about the venus fly traps click on to this:

If you want to find more information click on to this:


LI: To summaries a text using keywords.
This week for reading we had to go on a site that told us about the digestive system 
then we had to go on class site and make a copy of the work that Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie
had put up for us. then he we had to read every text and find at least for keywords
and then we had to write down what these keywords reminded us of. we had to do nine of these all buy ourselves .

if you want to visit this document because you cant see properly copy and paste this:

and if you want to visit this site copy and paste this:

kiwi can

This week for kiwi can, Mr Matt and Miss Lily made us play bang for our energiser, it was fun but also a competition because Mr Matt and Miss Lily were playing and who ever was standing next to you and Mr Matt or Miss Lily if or when they say that person in the middle of those two people Mr Matt and Miss Lily would know straight away  and they would say bang just like that, that's why you don't like playing with them because their so competitive. After that we talked about role models and who is your role model, my role model is harry potter because he is the best wizard ever, Then we played a game called banana, apple and orange it was so fun.

How to play bang:  You have to stand in a circle and
If the person on the side of the left or right side of you names get called out they have to duck and if they don’t duck fast enuf they are dead and whoever was last saying bang is out.

How to play banana, apple and orange: you have to stand in a circle and if Mr Matt or Miss Lily say apple you have to jump forward once and if they call out orange they have jump backwards once but if they call banana you have to jump to the opposite side of you.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Digested system

Slide Presentation,Explanation,Picture and Word ring

L.I to finish off the compulsory tasks. We learnt how to finish off compulsory tasks in a whole week. We finished of the picture,Slide presentation,explanation and the word ring. We learnt this by figuring out who does what. I did the Explanation, Nicole did the picture, Miiana did the Slide presentation, Pua and Sione A did the word ring. We had to finish this to be able to do the elective tasks.

Kiwi sport

This week for kiwi sport we played games that all included rip pa-rugby. 
Our first game we played was rip tags off everyone's belt and put the tags on your belt.
 The second game we played was a bit like octopus but instead of tagging 
them you had to rip their tags off and if you rip their tags off their in with you. 
Our third game we played, We had to go in the middle of the court
and one team would be orange and one teams would be yellow and
if hamish called out yellow well then the people on the yellow side would run
 to the yellow cones but if their tag gets ripped off from there partner they lose and
our last game we played is you have a partner and ones in front and ones at the back and when hamish blows the whistle the people in front have to run as fast as they can but the people at the back
have to try and get the people in front of them tag.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


This week for commenting I picked out this amazing blog post because
I thought it is really interesting to read. I looked at all sandra's words to
see if they we correct , I checked all sandra's pieces to see if they were correct
and they all were. I really enjoyed writing this comment and want to see more

Worm digestive system

Add caption
     LI: To write a 18 sentence paragraph. LI: To write basic paragraphs.
This week for writing we had to write a 18 sentence explanation about a 
earthworm digestive system. We watched a video and wrote a statement 
and explanation about the process of the earthworm digestive system. 
The steps were mouth, then pharynx, then esophagus, then crop, then
gizzard, then intestine, then anus. We had to write statement and a 
explanation about all of these, We also had to write a introduction and a
 conclusion, but we had to do a explanation first because that was the main

Kiwi can

This week for Kiwi can we have a new topic is was called role models. We talked about This week for Kiwi can we have a new topic is was called role models. We talked about how to be a good role model, Who is a role model to you and what they do that makes them our role model. Our Theme is still the same it is integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing when no one is be a good role model, Who is a role model to you and what they do that makes them our role model. Our Theme is still the same it is integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing when no one is looking.

Game: Doggy Doggy Game: Who’s missing How to play doggy: You have to sit on a chair with a blindfold on and you have to protect a pen using a noodle. How to play who’s missing :You have to lie down with your head down like heads down thumbs up and the teachers have  to pick to people to go into the next room and then the teachers have to say heads up and then you have to try and guess who's missing.


This week for Maori we had Wheae Odie come in to teach us. She taught us a song and she taught us how to pronounce words in Maori. After she taught us a song and how to pronounce Maori words we had to draw our own emojis using the words that we had to pronounce, Our emojis had to be
 hot, cold, angry and good. I didn't get to finish my last one. We had to write down, Kei te pai, Which means I am good, We also had to write Ke te makariri, Which means I am cold, We also did ke te riri, Which means  I am angry. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Concept stars|Keywords

L.I: To identify keywords from a text.

This week for reading we had to make a keywords list and concept star list. We used the keywords list template before and we are using it again to help us learn to identify the keywords from a text. We had to write the title of the book that we were reading, the text type, author of the text, and the purpose of the text then below that template.

Volume and capacity

This week for math we learnt how to use capacity and volume with the things around us .We used H, W, L
I used A re tangled box that fitted 66 time cards in it and a squared holy box that fitted 143 pie fractions in it . Mr Ogilvie help us to figure out how to  use capacity and volume.  

Friday, May 18, 2018

Explanation | 10 Sentences

L.I: To compare explanations with reports.
This week for writing we had to write a 10 sentence explanation because last week people got confused with an information report and explanation. We used an explanation planner to do our writing on. We had to watch a video about how to make aluminum cans because that is what we would be writing about. Our writing couldn't more than 10 sentences or less than 10 sentences. We had to write an title, introduction, explanation, and conclusion. First Mr Wong wrote an example information report and explanation on Venus Fly Traps so that we could get an idea.

The nervous system

LI: To compare a human and another living thing.
 This week for inquiry we had a to do a compulsory task.We did a definition task, A explanation task, A Venn diagram task and a double sequence chart. We had to do this in groups, My group was Sione a, Florence, Alayah ,Me and miiana and Pua. We worked hard and used excellent teamwork

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Explanation of Venus flytraps

L.I to write an explanation on aluminum cans.
I learnt about how aluminum cans were made. I learnt it by watching a video about what people do to make them and what the cans are made out of.This week for writing we had to write a step by step explanation about how a Venus flytrap catches insects.i learnt heaps.


This week for math Mr Ogilvie gave us a measurement board for us to do.  we had to find four items to measure in the class.I used a computer 
keyboard, A counter, A long piece of wood and a Panasonic TV.This was a little bit complicating but  i find a way to figure it out in the end.i completed this task and hope i do a good job next time.


This week we went to point England reserve to verse other schools at soccer. Our first game we won against point England blue, The scores were 5 to 2. Our second game we lost against stone fields.The scores were 3 to 2 . Our third and fourth game we won too. We were in the finals and versed Silvia park, We played hard, The buzzer rang, We were all puffed as we shacked hands we the other team, the scores were a 2 to 2 it was a draw.We walked away with a 3rd place win. We were so happy with the place we came.I hope we can do better next year.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The nervous system

LI:To plan and write a explanation. This week for writing we had to write a explanation about the nervous system. I did a big mistake but that's alright because i will try harder next week.


The nervous system is like cables that run through your body and whatever happens to your body the nervous system feels it and sends a messages to the brain by traveling through the spine. Your brain receives the message and thinks figures out a conclusion to this problem and sends a message back which tells you how to react to what is happening.
Firstly it feels what is going on.Secondly it starts making a message to send to the brain.Thirdly it makes the massage and travels up your spine to get to the brain.fourthly the brain gets the message and sorts out what is happening. Fifthly the brain sends the message back and lastly the body reacts to what is happening.
Your nerves from any part of your body are sending messages to the brain to tell the brain what’s happening to that body part then the brain thinks of what to do and sends the message back saying what to do and the you do it.
There are two parts are which are the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system (CNS) contains the brain and the spinal cord.The peripheral nervous system (PNS) contains the nerves, which leave the brain and the spinal cord to travel to certain areas of the body.
Spinal cords and brain
The brain stem connects to the spinal cord which controls hunger and thirst and some of the most basic body functions,such as body temperature, blood pressure, and breathing.The brain is protected by the bones of the skull and by a covering of three thin membranes called meninges.

LI:To plan and write a explanation. This week for writing we had to write a explanation about the nervous system. I did a big mistake but that's alright because i will try harder next week.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Kiwi sport

Image result for kiwi sport

This week for kiwi sport we played games but i will tell you the first one we played. So  you have two teams and one of the teams have the ball. The team who has the ball has to tag the team that doesn't have the ball, But there is a blur between this game because the person in that team who has the ball can not move once they have the ball and if they do they are out and the second game we played was that there is two teams that have a ball each and your team has to line up in a line your team has to pass the ball but you can only pass the ball backwards and you have to get the ball to the bib.


LI: To comment on people work.

Today I commented on Florence's blog post because i thought it was really interesting 

The nervous system

LI: To learn plan and write a explanation.
This week for writing we had to ask questions about the nervous system.
Because this week we have been learning about the nervous system.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


LI:To learn my pepeha every week for Maori.
This week we did a pepeha  for Moari of our selves and we had to say who we are
where we come from our parents and people close to you and our siblings.
We also had to add photo of us where we are from,Who are parents are and our siblings.

Explanation plan

LI: To plan and write a explanation.
LI: To write a introduction and conclusion appropriate for a explanation
This week for writing we had to do a explanation plan.We had to make a copy of Mr Ogilvies work and put our introduction, explanation and conclusion.

Kiwi can

This week we had Kiwi Can with Mr Matt and Ms Lily. We learnt about integrity which means doing the right thing even when no one is looking and making good choices. We played opposites, terminator tag and GKQ at the end. We also talked about examples of when we make good choices at school, at home or anywhere. In the end we did the points and in total we had 21 points. I had fun at kiwi can and enjoyed playing the activities.

Nerve system

LI:To search for research materials appropriate for our reading levels.
This week for Reading we found out what what nerve system were.
How did we find out what a nerve system was. Well with a lot of research
 and question asking we came to an explanation of well thinking please
 look at my work and find out the questions we asks and why we asks these questions.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The divider

LI:to split up division problems into parts using known multiplication and division facts
I learnt how to play a new math game and how to split numbers up to solve the equation. I learnt it by answering a few questions and splitting up the numbers and then picking one one to put on my blog.

Monday, May 7, 2018

purpose and texts

LI: to assess Author’s Purpose and determine the reliability of information given in the text. This week I did a reading session. This weeks reading session I had links to go on, first we had to read them and answer what type of text is it?,what is the purpose of this text?,who is the target audience?.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Multiplier

LI: I use the multiplayer to help me with my multiplication this app is the best way for me and you to learn it has a button to take you to the times to help you with your multiplacations.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Te reo maori

LI: To translate Maori words to English using the google translator and the Maori dictionary. This week for Maori we had to make a DLO on translating Maori words to English. Our teacher we had for Maori was Whiaodi. First Whiaodi did the role. Then we learnt a new song. We sang the song a few times. Once we finished singing the song we had to make a Google drawing. I decided to do it on a google drawing

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Quality comments

LI: to understand how to use quality comments.
This week we learned what to do when you write a comment on somebody's  blog post.
We had to give a good greeting then give a good comment  then we need to tell them if you
have done something similar or not similar then you need to ask a good question about this
blog post and last but not least say keep up the good work.

L.I to identify an explanation text through it's features. What is an Explanation text? - An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something happens.Title,Introduction,Explanation and Conclusion. Talking about a specific topic with information about that topic

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we had our first session of kiwi can and we have a new Theme and Topic. Our theme is integrity and out topic is Making good choices. We had to games that we played we played 21 and terminator tag. This is how to play Terminator tag.

How to play Terminator tag:
Everyone’s in and you have to tag everybody and if you get tagged your out but if you tag each other at the same time you have to rock paper scissors.
How to play 21:
You have a ball and you have to pass it around and count to 21 and who ever has the ball on 21 is out