
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Defensive Structures and bombs

This week for defensive structures we had a special guest come into LS1 to teach us about it. This special guest was Mr Chang or as he likes to be called Isaac. He worked at a place that sorted bombs, missile and planes. He talked about defensive and attacking weapons including bombs. Mr Chang named most of the missiles that he has at his work and explained from the smallest one to the biggest one. He also explained what things he helped carry, study and learn about at his job.

After we talked about his job we had to face the T.V because Mr Chang had created a presentation with photos that included types of bombs, Missiles and planes. When he put up the sideshow he explained why he has created it and what things he used in the slideshow. The first thing he talked about was layers, Layers that included camouflage, shape, materials, active defenses and active attackers. The first photo he showed us was a cat camouflage in trees, leaves and bushes. The second photo he showed us was a big building under a big layer or net that was camouflage with the trees so nobody could spot it from above the clouds.

The first layer he said was camouflage, camouflage is a type of materiel that helps you blend in with something so you don't find it or you wont see it. The second layer he talked about was shape, He said that shape is a very important layer because if you have you construction flat it can cause a very large amount of damage as if you have your construction curved it can easily bounce off the walls and cause a little amount of damage. The third layer he talked was active defense. Isaac said that the most powerful active defense is turrets, He said that turrets can go as far as possible and can destroy lots of things. The other thing he said they could use was mines, Mines are a type of bomb used underground so if somebody stands on it or gets to close it can blow them up. The fourth layer he talked about was active attackers. Mr Chang said that planes were used to drop missals from in the sky to kill people from in the air. The last thing he talked about was nucleon blast, He said that nucleon blast was a explosion that scientist tested under water or in the water.

After we finished talking about that we had to complete a challenge that Mr Chang had set up for us. In this challenge we had to build a active defense building to defend a helicopter from getting attacked from a shock wave. We created ours with and over piece of paper and 9 straws sitting inside it taped to the side of the oval which looked like a crown. After we finished creating our building we had to put a helicopter in each one of the buildings and then Mr Wong, Mr Chang and Mr Ogilvie would use a swimming kicking board to try blow it down like a shock wave. Some people completed the task like our team and some people failed the task.

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