
Thursday, September 13, 2018


This week for inquiry we have been learning about rifles. rifles are a type of technology used during war. We got to pick our topic so we picked rifles. The reason we chose this technology is because we thought it was an interesting topic to learn about and also because we could find lots of information on one site.

This week for our inquiry must do we had to create a DLO explaining what our technology was. In our slide we had to 5 slide which included the title, the technology we chose, the historical example, the purpose of a rifle and the types of rifles. Me, Victoria, Sakina and Farzana worked on a slide each. I worked on our technology, Victoria worked on firearms historical examples, Sakina worked on rifles and purpose and Farzana types of rifle actions. In my slide, I added to gifs to show how rifles were used in war. In Victoria's slide she included sites to prove where she got her information. In Sakina's
slide she added information about how far the guns can shoot and on Farzana slide she included all the action rifles. After we created our presentation we had to present it in front all the inquiry groups.

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