
Friday, August 31, 2018

Area and Perimeter | Glossary

This week for Math we have been learning about Area's and Perimeter's. This week for math we had to complete the to DLO's Mr Ogilvie had set up for us. The DLO's included a glossary task and a Area and Perimeter task. We got to work in partners to complete these tasks.

On our glossary task we had to explain what the words Area, Perimeter, Base, Height, Length, Vertex, Attitude,Acute and Obtuse. Me and Florence did this one first because we thought it was the easiest. In this task we would have to go watch the too video's that Mr Ogilvie linked on the class site to help use this task.

The next task we did was on a google drawing. On this task we had figure out the area and perimeter of the shapes Mr Ogilvie had put on the google draw for us. We had to plus the two bases and times  the length and height. When there was an even shape we would have to make an invisible line and think it was a even shape or we would have to cut the shape in pieces to make 2 shapes or three shapes.

The next task we did was on a piece. We had to measure the length and height of the shape. It was like the google drawing task but on a piece of paper. Like the google drawing we had to times the length and height and plus the base, length and height.

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